Thursday 29 December 2011

Leaving Ecuador and entering Peru....

We left 2300m @ sea level

For 14m @ sea level.

But this was our reward.....

In the end, there is always a price to pay....

Me fixing what is been bend after a wipe out of note....going through this river crossing with a little to much speed....and.....shooooop, you're down boy!! Ego and my new spot light been hammered!

We left the old colonial town/city of Cuenca....(its always difficult to determain how big these towns/city are, as its nested between numerous mountains) but we manage to do some serious kilo's to the border of Ecuador and Peru. Early start, but we spend more or less the same time at the border as on the +/- 500km stretch of curvy road...that however friends is a story for a cold winters night with lots of red wine!!

In the end our new met friends, Gabriel and Cynthia from Costa Rica, saved our butts with their good manners and lots of patience and we were out to the Peruan side...Gabriel is also believing in KTM....and he is a mediacla doctor, thought they only believe in BM's.....ouch that hurt!!

Peru, is heeltemal die teenoorgestelde van enige land wat ons reeds besoek het. Waar ons soms gewonder het of Sentraal en Suid Amerika enigsins ooit droee dele het, is ons vinnig tot die besef gebring, dit kan droog wees ook.... Snaaks genoeg, die Peru boere plant rys in die droogste dele denkbaar en daar is geweldige boerdery praktyke wat toegepas word.

Ons het egter meer as eenmaal goed gevloek vir die manne met hulle moto-taxi's...hulle ry erger as SA s'n!

Na amper 1000km binne twee dae, is ons verras deur die mooie kusdorp, Huanchaco, net noord van Lima. Waar ons voorheen gewoond geraak het om deur hierdie vaal dorpe deur te snel, het ons skielik in hierdie mooie kleuryke dorpie beland. Hier is selfs 'surfers!'

Tuesday 27 December 2011

Ecuador, Quito to Cuenca

We agreed that Colombia was best overall, but Ecuador got it's own feel. The people seems already smaller of posture and tend to dress more traditionally. Unfortunately no pics of that yet....bit sceptical they would hand us a spade to work in the lands if we do so without proper acknowledgement.

Ecuador se boere verdien egter meer as net 'n goeie handdruk en medalje. Hierdie hardwerkende mense weet van hande arbeid en bewerk baie van die lande of met fisiese hande arbeid of met bees en ploeg. Hier en daar is daar wel n trekker wat rondloop....maar dit is 2200 tot 3600m bo seevlak! Ons slaap vanaand in die historiese ou dorpie met die naam van Cuenca. Vol ou geboue en klip strate.

Vrind Byron waag dit om hare te sny by een van die 'Barber Shops' in Cuenca....hy was moeg vir deermekaar helmet hare......

Leaving the friendly people of Colombia....on the way to Cali

After leaving Medellin we headed for Santiago de Cali. The scenery was more than we hoped for, but it got better as we left Cali and headed off to another big city....Pasto. Unbelievable mountain passes, with the nicest curves and bends any biker can wish for, but be on the watch out for mudslides....

Ons regering, let asb op. In Colombia betaal motorfietse geen tolgeld nie. Daar is 'n spesiale nou geboude baan waardeer fietse ry. Gratis, verniet, pasella....

After spending a night in Pasto, we headed for the famous Cathederal near the town of Ipiales. Its build on top of a bridge running over a river. Its called Las Lajos. Magnificent building and we were blessed to met one very friendly old nun...who spoiled us with a nice cup of coffee and handful of sweets.

Ons verlaat Ipiales met bewondering en spring weg na Ecuador se hoofstad, Quito. Dit is 'n verskriklike uitgerekte stad en baie hoog bo seespieel. Sekelik nie die hoogte stad wat ons op on reis gaan teekom nie, maar tog 'n indrukwekkende stad met 'n goed uitgewerkte raamwerk van hoofwee rondom die verskeie berge in en rondom die stad. Die mense....nie so vriendelik soos Colombia s'n nie....dink hulle moet ook meer coco blare kou....

Catagena to Medellin, still Colombia

We haven't updated the blog for numerous reasons......but here goes!

Catagena City

After leaving the coastal city Caragena we headed for the beautiful City of eternal Spring,  Medellin, but before that we decided to have a last visit to the Pasific ocean and stayed over one night at this little beach town. It is quite an famous spot for the locals, but nothing compare to SA beaches. This however spooked us with accommodation prices. After a bit of negotiations we got a room for half the price, but what we eventually saved on the nights accommodation the guy next door claimed for a meal of a 'modder' fish....R166 a head! Budget gone for the day!

Die volgende oggend was dit steeds oppad na ons 'volgende' bestemming, Medellin. Wat ons gedink het n vinnige drafstap van 300km sou wees, het Colombia se berge ons vinnig 'n ander deuntjie laat sing. Enige 'biker' se droom, letterlik honderde berge, op af, honderde skerp draaie, maar.....ook honderde trokke en elkeen dink hy is vinniger as die ander. Lekker ou rillertjie gewees. Na twee dae tref ons eers Medellin. Fietse het aandag nodig en ons spandeer paar dae in Medellin en onnodige dollars by die KTM handelaar.....ten minste is die baas, Frederick 'n baie aangename en hulpvaardige kerel en groot bonus, die man kan engels praat. Medellin....Colombia het egter 'n ander bekoring en die mense is fantasties en baie vriendelik. Colombia kry definitief 'n groot regmerkie!

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Another take on Cartagena Colombia


Hierdie is die eerste keer dat ek 'n blog mag skryf, so hier gaan hy.............

Ons het 'n baie lekker trip met die boot 'Independence" gehad (een van die grootste in Portebelo se hawe)
die mense aan boord was ongelooflik vriendelik gewees en ek dink ons groep het dalk met twee mense gegroei, een Kanadees en een Uruguayian, sal sien hoe ver ons saam gaan ry.

Die foto hier onder was toe ek (deur die hele Crew) gedaag was om die Kaptein aan te vat op sy "marcial arts" tegniek en ek moet se die ou kerel het my op die grond gehad met die tweede move.

Hierdie is Captaein Michelle se autopilot sisteem, hy se dat hy nou nie eintlik in die autopilot ding glo nie en ek moet se ek kan nie verstaan hoekom nie.  Ons (Ek en Nic het  vandag in die stad 'n ou gevang wat 'n kas bier van die bikes af gesteel het en met die hardloop agter die ou aan het ons die Polisie  se aandag getrek en met die "inhegtenisneem' stadium kry die ou toe so 4 tot 5 houe met 'n knippel op die rug, was vir ons nogals snaaks gewees......ons het nog steeds die bier en is besig om dit te geniet.

Een van ons nuwe vriende se naam is JURKA van die Check republiek af, hy trap sy fiets al vir 9 maande van Alaska af en gaan die eindpunt (Patagonia in Argentinia) bereik in 4 maande.

Hier is ons laaste foto as 'n groep op die boot, van hier af het ons probeer om die bikes uit "Customs" uit te kry, maar dit het ons die hele dag gevat, uiteindelik het ons 5 minute voor ses daar uitgestap.

Op 'n ernstigre nood oorweeg ons dit om ons roete te verander en deur Colombia na Equador te gaan aangesien die 'Amazonas' op hierdie stadium nie meer gaanbaar is vir enige voertuie behalwe bote nie, sal julle op hoogte hou met die verwikkelinge.


Sunday 11 December 2011

Panama City to Cartagena

Leaving Panama City  for Colon (actually Portobelo just south of Colon) we started off by going to visit the first of the Panama canal locks from the Pacific side. We watched a ship come through the lock. Truly amazing. Aparently it costs about $350 000.00 for a ship to pass through the canal, however the cost to sail around the southeern tip of South America to get to the same place is 4 to 5 times that cost.

We then did the 80 kilometer ride from Panama City (Pacific Ocean) to Portobello (Atlantic Ocean) in good time not knowing what to expect or how long it would take to get the bikes and ourselves booked on a boat. We were not even sure that we would be able to get all 4 of us on the same boat as many of them are smaller type yachts. We arrived  at the Wunderbar in Portobello and we had not yet even taken off our helmets before we were appproached by a crew member of the "Independence". Luck was on our side. The boat was a large diesel three storey yacht with ample place for all of us and we could sail the next day.

We slept on the boat in the port that evening and then loaded the bikes first thing the next morning. We were also joined by two other travellers, Greg (Canadian) on a Honda motorcycle and Jirka (Czek) cycling (yes, on a bicycle) from Canada to Patagonia.

The next five days / four nights were spent at sea sailing to Cartagena along the Panamaniann coastline which is part of the Carribean Sea, stopping of at various islands on the way.

A relaxing few days at sea with an interesting bunch of people. Not the least of which was our 70 year old Captain Michelle, an old sea dog with many stories to tell of his 40 years spent at sea.

We arrived in Cratagena this afternoon and booked into a backpackers which has WiFi, hence this long time overdue blog.

Tuesday 6 December 2011


 We accepted an invitation in Golfito that could not be refused, a braai at"Ivan the Incredibles" mountain hideaway. 32 hectare estate in the mountains of Costa Rica.

 Ivan the Slovakian is a well travelled young man and his travels include South Africa. He showed us his pictures of leopards he had taken in the Kruger Park and he braaied the best meat we tasted since leaving the shores of South Africa. Also on the agenda was a swim in a rock pool on his farm. A kilometer walk through muddy jungle terrain brought us to a beautiful rock pool at the bottom of a waterfall. we all took a swim including his Labrador Cookie. On the way back Roelof was confronted by nasty looking and somewhat aggresive snake

After that it was off to the Panama border post which only took 2 hours to get through thanks to our assisatnt Antonio who was well tipped for his efforts. That evening (Saturday) we slept in a backpackers in David. Next morning was an early start to Panama City with Henry leading the way. We were pulled over by the police for speeding, 103 kilometers in a 60 zone. Some South African charm got Henry off the hook.

Coming in to Panama City we encountered a thunderstorm of African proportions which caught us unawares. we slogged through it and arrived soaked in Panama City. Booked in to a backpackers at a cost of $13 each. Did some washing, dried clothes and slep in a dormitary with 7 occupied beds. Bite marks the next morning were evidence of bed bugs.

Panama City has many huge sky scrapers including this interesting twisted glass building that stands out as an architectural and structural wonder.

Next mission is to organise shipment of the bikes from Colon to Carthagena

Friday 2 December 2011

Punterenas to Golfito

If we thought Gautamala was nice....Costa Rica is better. We decided to stick to the Pacific and travelled alongside the coastline today. Awesome coastline..with luscious green trees where ever you see. We travelled trough hundreds of kilometres of palm plantations. They harvest it for palm oil and is used for many products.

Ons is tans in die mooiste klein kusdorpie, Golfito met 'n uitgestrekte meer voor ons. Blykbaar redelik bekend onder groot vissermanne en ook tuiste van meer as een Europeer. More is die plan om vroeg deur die grens te beweeg en Panama binne te val...

Soory friends....not sure what happened with the previous day's blogging....

Any way, what vrind Sarel used to asked, just before you get the #$&%^T$ in is...where is your sense of humor?

Wel Saarjie Sam, jy sal trots wees op ons, ons het daarvoor gesoek en ten minste interresante mense by die grens ontmoet...

So paar 'pics' van gister wat nie vroeer wou laai nie.....