Friday 13 January 2012

Puquio to Cusco

Sorry mates.....time, wi-fi and a few problems here and there keep us from updating the blog as frequent as needed.

We'll from Puquio to the historical town of Cusco, the following happened. As earlier mentioned, we read about the altitude and was warned from fellow travellers. Up until Puquio we were quite serious injuries or problems with the bikes, but we had a bit of a set back...nothing serious enough though that couldn't be fix. As we climbed the Andes mountains once more, Byron's KTMpie lost an important bold on the suspension, causing the 'other' side to crack because of all the strain on the on side.

Niks wat 'n tang en stuk bloudraad egter nie kan regmaak nie. Die werk kos ons egter n goeie 2ure+ aan ry tyd en om alles te kroon gebeur dit op ons hoogste punt vir die dag....4560m bo seespieel en 6 grade Celcius. Nadat alles weer teruggeplaas is op fiets, begin ons die laaste 300km vir die dag. Vyftig kilometer verder is ons altwee so aan die slaaap a.g.v. die lugdruk dat ons eers moes stop vir n pakkie botterkoekies en Red Bull! Die uitsig, natuurskoon maak egter op vir alles wat kon skeefloop. Die Andes is 'n ongelooflike bergreeks met 'n nuwe verrassing om elke draai.

We arrived in Cusco quite late but decided to fix the broken suspension then and there....a quick howzit to the nearest 'enginering works' and we were ready for the next thousand kilo's.

Cusco....Machu Piccho....natuurlik het julle reeds die insetsel gesien. 'n Ware belewenis.

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