We left the beach town of Huanchaco early morning for the Peruan capital city of Lima. The "Dakar Rally feeling" got hold of us as we ride south, bigger dunes with the most spectacular scenery we could have asked for. The "feeling" also cost us a penny....apparantly you're not allowded to ride on the numerous dirt roads alongside their main road, the Panamerican highway. After so many tar we just needed to feel the gravel, did our own little Dakar Rally for a while but needed to pay 'a fine of soles' after being caught by some Peruan cops for riding on gravel roads.....ya right!! Ten munites from there....we apparently crossed dubble lines.....we are suddendly back in SA guys!! The road and scenery however paid for lost 'soles'

Soos ons deur elke land reis tref elkeen se uniekheid jou en so ook die deursettingsvermoee van elke land se voedsel voorsieners...die boere. Peru se boere het ons egter verras, veral teen die weste kant waar ons gery het oppad na Lima. Ongelloflik wat hulle vermag in die woestyn!! Honderde hektare met druiwe, suikeriet, tee en bone.
Ons bereik Lima, 'n moderne stad in die middel van die woestyn....+/- 8miljoen inwoners, 'n derde van Peru se inwoners bly blykbaar hier.
We visited the KTM dealer in Lima the day after new years, got new 'tekkies' for the bikes, did some serious allround servicing and was off to our next big stop Cusco....but first Puquio....
Cusco from Lima a good 1000km+ for two days, but we didn't believe in the odds against us, although been warned!
Once again, early start from Lima on the way to Cusco. First Nasca Lines......
After a 'quick' fuelfilter service alongside the road, the never ending curves on the way to Puquio took us way into darkness and we ended at our prevered stop quite late, but Cusco was our stop....
Pics of Puquio, a small town in the middle of Lima and Cusco
After this our previous warnings were made true.............
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